Using your Asking account on your phone or iPad to enable login.
The web version is to solve the problem which the screen of mobile phone is too small. Editing a survey on PC is more convenient for finding and copying data. Now you can edit your survey on your phone, iPad and PC!
Viewing the most up-to-date analytical result on mobile phone is the important feature of Asking app. To ensure users can check the analyst report in real-time, we are not planning to add “viewing analyst reports” in web version. Editing your survey on PC, sending the survey via Asking app and checking the report on your phone are the best ways to use Asking!
The survey edited on computer would synchronize with mobile phone through the cloud. You can edit your survey on the phone whenever necessary.
STEP 1. Please open Asking App first.
STEP 2.Click “Log in to Web” on Asking website. Try to reload the web page if you can’t find it.
STEP 3.Please use Asking app QR code reader to enable login.
Using your Asking account on your phone or iPad to enable login.
The web version is to solve the problem which the screen of mobile phone is too small. Editing a survey on PC is more convenient for finding and copying data. Now you can edit your survey on your phone, iPad and PC!
Viewing the most up-to-date analytical result on mobile phone is the important feature of Asking app. To ensure users can check the analyst report in real-time, we are not planning to add “viewing analyst reports” in web version. Editing your survey on PC, sending the survey via Asking app and checking the report on your phone are the best ways to use Asking!
The survey edited on computer would synchronize with mobile phone through the cloud. You can edit your survey on the phone whenever necessary.
Please open Asking App first.
Click “Log in to Web” on Asking website. Try to reload the web page if you can’t find it.
Please use Asking app QR code reader to enable login.
Using your Asking account on your phone or iPad to enable login.
The web version is to solve the problem which the screen of mobile phone is too small. Editing a survey on PC is more convenient for finding and copying data. Now you can edit your survey on your phone, iPad and PC!
Viewing the most up-to-date analytical result on mobile phone is the important feature of Asking app. To ensure users can check the analyst report in real-time, we are not planning to add “viewing analyst reports” in web version. Editing your survey on PC, sending the survey via Asking app and checking the report on your phone are the best ways to use Asking!
The survey edited on computer would synchronize with mobile phone through the cloud. You can edit your survey on the phone whenever necessary.
Please open Asking App first.
Click “Log in to Web” on Asking website. Try to reload the web page if you can’t find it.
Please use Asking app QR code reader to enable login. visit
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Copyright © 2015 WENJOY其享科技. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2015 WENJOY其享科技. All Rights Reserved.